Friday, October 7, 2011

Uncle Kyle & Aunt Jaime Come to Play

This past weekend my brother in law and his wife to be came to visit us! They arrived at supper time Saturday so I had made Pad Thai for everyone and we had some play time with Forrest before he went to bed and we sat down to enjoy a yummy supper! That evening after supper we play some cards and a very intense game of monopoly which of course the boys took over! Sunday we took them over to the pennisula and got a few pumpkins and some photos of course. We toured around for a bit but since it was raining pretty hard we went home before long.
We had a nice visit with them and I know Forrest loved having his Uncle and Aunt here to play with as it wasn't long after they left he was asking when they'd be coming back ;) hehe
Here are some photos...

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