Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Happy Birthday to....ME! =)

Today I turn...gulp....29! That's sooo close to the dirty thirty I can barely stand it! haha! I spent my day without hubby =( He was away for a couple days for work meetings! But I did get to spend the day with 2 of the other most important men in my life...Forrest and my dad!!! My dad surprised me with a quick visit which was awesome (he lives 4 hours away and was travelling for business about an hour and a half from me so he cancelled his lunch meeting and detoured to my house for a lovely surprise visit and some take out for lunch). He came bearing gifts and gorgeous flowers - pink roses and calla lillies!
Forrest and I had an appointment at the mother baby clinic so off we went to that after lunch and a visit with my dad! The rest of the afternoon we spent running errands and then I stopped to pick myself up a treat at starbucks (and I splurged on a birthday cake pop as well).
Forrest decided to treat me to a massive poop-splosion this evening. As he was playing in his exersaucer I look over and think to myself "whatever is he splashing those little feet in?!" OH SHIT (litterally)! So off I went to wipe, bathe, disinfect, wash, clean, scrub both Forrest, the exersaucer, my new white jeans and the hallway floors (as it wasn't enough to just make a mess in his exersaucer, it had to run down his leg and drip across my floors as I rushed him to the bath tub).
Now tonight I am having a quiet night at home, Mr Man is fast asleep and I am making myself a late supper! I got so many nice facebook messages, emails and phone calls!
I do have to take a few moments to reflect on how I feel at the ripe age of 29....
Never in my life have I felt this lucky, blessed or just plain happy!!! At 29 I have the most amazing (and insanely sexy) husband, I have the cutest and sweetest baby in the world - both of whom I love more with each passing second! My family and extended family is awesome - completely awesome!! I have the greatest and most genuine friendships that I have ever had my whole life! I am fortunate to get a year's maternity leave so I can stay home with my son for the first year of his life! Our move to Saint John (while I do miss NS and get lonely for 'home' from time to time) has proved to be the best decision we could have made for our little family.
Seriously, how could I ask for anything more?!  So come on 29...show me what you got!! ;)

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