Sunday, May 26, 2013

Boy oh Boy!

Technology is amazing!! About 9 months ago I was ginormously pregnant and ready to pop and John's cousin was getting married and unfortunately we were missing it....because of modern day technology we were able to logon to the venues live webcam and watch the ceremony - AWESOME!
Saturday morning, my good friend Amanda is having her ultra sound at 3D Miracles to find out the sex...because of modern day technology I was able to logon to the invitation she sent and watch the ultrasound live and find out that they are having a BOY!! WOOOHOOO! John, Forrest (and even Lilah) and I were all gathered around the kitchen table by the computer watching. Forrest kept saying he wanted to see the baby and at one point he said "it's a girl baby"...he was wrong! lol. It was super cool and I loved every minute. Thanks so much Amanda and Jeff for inviting us to be part of such a truly special moment! We are so excited for you guys and can't wait until Lilah's boyfriend arrives ;) You are going to make amazing parents!

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