Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Nova Scotia Weekend Wrap Up

Well...since our weekends in NS are limited I thought my title was fitting!!! This weekend was awesome! John came home! We didn't do much but our time together was fantastic!!! He got home at around 8pm on Friday because he worked through his lunch so he could leave early. I had just started to get dinner started for us when my neighbour popped in for a visit to check on me. We have very thoughtful neighbours, last winter they snow blowed our driveway every major storm (and even some not so major storms), they have been over for a few visits and they are just very nice people. Anyway, she came over to see how I was doing and offer her son for lawn mowing purposes. I thought that was so sweet of her. She said she knew I was along now with John being gone and wanted me to know that if there was anything I needed to let them know! How sweet eh!? After she left I finished making dinner, I made a Korean dish that was one of our favorites. John got home and we had a nice dinner then relaxed together. We had DVR'ed some shows we like to watch together so we watched a little TV and went to bed. Saturday we woke up and I made breakfast while John mowed the lawn. We cuddled and relaxed until it was time for Darcy and Sarah's engagement party. We headed to that for 3pm and it was great to meet all of Sarah's family and friends that had travelled from New Brunswick to be there for their party! They were very nice people!! We didn't stay really late as John and I had wanted to stop in for a quick visit with Greg and Melissa and also have some time together at home. Sunday morning we got up, had breakfast and then got things ready for our second open house!! Our house has been on the market just a month now! This open house went well! MUCH better than the last! So...
Unfortunately, John had to leave after supper to go back to NB. It's sucky but we're tough, haha!! I can't even begin to explain or express the emotions and thoughts we've been experiencing! It's been a crazy couple of weeks thats for sure!!! Let's just say that 'emotional rollercoaster' would be putting it mildly. So many times we have thought "is this move really the best for us?", "are we crazy?" lol, etc. Its been insane! Anyways, I'll keep you all posted on how things are going!!! =)

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