Thursday, March 31, 2011


Tuesday (March 29th) Forrest rolled over from his belly to his back!!! It was the evening, John was with him while I was in changing the sheets on our bed. In the blink of an eye he had rolled over! we both missed it. John was there and caught it out of the corner of his eye but not the full meal deal ;) So he called to me and I ran in thinking he was joking but sure enough my little man was on his back! We flipped him back onto his belly and he did it again!! We called our parents excitedly to tell them about this milestone and they all asked if he looked surprises after he rolled himself over. He did but in all fairness we think he had the look of shock and surprise due to the fact that his parents were hooting and clapping and cheering excitedly-we looked like loons! lol


Samantha said...

Welcome back!!! I love reading your updates and hearing how similar our boys are!!! If only we could slow down time :)

Melissa @ Growing Up Geeky said...

So exciting!!

Mrs.W said...

Thanks ladies!!! I definitely wish we could slow down time!!

Unknown said...

That's hilarious that you were hooting and clapping like loons. I'm sure we will do the exact same thing. I love it!!