Monday, July 29, 2013

I feel I should Explain...

While I am working on a Boston Family Vacay re-cap with tonnes of pictures, I feel I should explain why it has been over a month since my last post. Hubby got a promotion.
Time to cheer and brag and spew my wifely pride all over this post before I continue on with my explanation. My husband is a new Project Manager for Fiber Op. This means he is responsible for the Fiber Op build project with the company he works for (Emera) for Bell Aliant. It's a huge step for him and I couldn't be more proud of him. Another huge perk of this new job is that it is one giant leap closer to us moving home to Halifax. One slight (okay slightly larger than slight ;) downside to this new gig is the travel. He will have to travel to Ontario a lot. Supposedly once things get going it will only be travelling to Ontario once every 3rd week. But this past month he's been travelling 3 out of 4 weeks. mind you he is home on weekends but once those weekends come I'm exhausted and looking to spend quality time as a family so the blog has hit the back burner.  Once I get a handle on this new lifestyle I promise I'll pick it back up but right now it's just not happening. Although I am half way through our Boston re-cap.
I also have a crap load of Lilah weekly/monthly photos to post and an update on her (FYI - she is still a TERRIBLE sleeper lol). 
August is just around the corner and man oh man is it going to be a busy month for us. Back to work in a little over a month too...okay excuse me while I go sob into my pillow. ::why, oh why can't we win the lottery?!::

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